“The things we hate about ourselves aren't more real than things we like about ourselves.” Ellen Goodman

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Genetics of taste?

Bimodal distribution of PTC sensitivity

Here's a a bit of an update on Arthur Fox's PTC taste blindness story from. Not a whole lot of people interested in this other than the food industry and nutritional scientists.

There is a rather dated review of this
here (2001) and here (1995). Apparently the frequency of non-tasters among Caucasians is about 26-30%, but only 6-10% among Asians (whatever that means for the Americans!). Apparently tasters have a lower acceptance for bitter foodstuff such as broccoli/cruciferous vegetables, naringin, green tea and tofu. But this does not seem to be borne out in real life given the high acceptance of green tea and tofu in Asia despite a much lower incidence of non-tasters.

One of these ethnic confounders.

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